Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 10:45 No comments

EAC Secretary General Amb Dr Richard Sezibera(L) in discussion with the Chair of the EAC Council of Ministers Hon. Shem Bageine

A bird’s eye view of the EAC Council of Ministers session

The 27th ordinary meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers concluded over the weekend in Arusha, Tanzania with the Ministers deliberating on a wide range of regional matters and adopting several policies and directives geared at enhancing and strengthening the regional integration and development process.  

The Meeting was chaired by Hon. Shem Bageine, Minister of State for EAC Affairs, Republic of Uganda and Chairperson of the Council and leaders of Delegations included Hon. Amelia Kyambadde, MP, Uganda’s Minister of Trade; Hon. Léontine Nzeyimana, Burundi’s Minister to the Office of the President Responsible for EAC Affairs; Hon. Phyllis J. Kandie, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of East African Affairs, Commerce & Tourism; Hon. Jacqueline Muhongayire, Rwanda’s Minister for East African Community Affairs; and Hon. Samuel J. Sitta, MP, Tanzania’s Minister for East African Cooperation. 

In attendance were several Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Heads of EAC Organs and Institutions, EAC Observer Organizations as well as officials from the EAC Secretariat.

The Chairperson of the Council reiterated the collective need to focus on the greater interests of the East African Community, as the Council seeks to surmount any challenges before it. He said the Community was now a bigger economic and political entity with enormous potential for enhanced leverage in regional and international affairs, if it acts as a bloc. 

“As the EAC moves to the next critical levels of integration, Partner States will, more than ever before, be called upon to commit the requisite resources and political will for the attainment of the Common Market, the Monetary Union, and the ultimate stage of a Political Federation” affirmed Hon. Bageine.

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera commended Hon. Monique Mukaruliza, and Hon. Musa Sirma, former Ministers of EAC in Rwanda and Kenya respectively for their dedicated leadership and service to the Council and the Community.

 He congratulated Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax, upon her appointment as the first female Executive Secretary of Southern African Development Community. He also commended Amb. George William Kayonga, and Mr. Chiboli Shakaba, former Permanent Secretaries responsible for EAC Affairs in the Republics of Rwanda and Kenya respectively, for their service to the Community.

He welcomed and congratulated Hon. Phyllis Kandie, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of EAC Affairs, Commerce and Tourism; Hon. Jacqueline Muhongayire, Minister of EAC Affairs, Republic of Rwanda; and Hon. Johnston Busingye, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Republic of Rwanda.

Amb. Sezibera pointed out that a lot of activities are being undertaken and tremendous progress being realized in the economic, political and social sectors during the period under review. He noted that the integration process has proceeded very well and many breakthroughs have been made. He wished the Session fruitful deliberations

Some of the decisions/directives taken at the 27th Meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers included:

Political Federation:

The Council directed Partner States to finalize their national consultations on the Way Forward on the EAC Political Federation and submit their reports to the Secretary General by 31st October, 2013.


The Council adopted the East African Community Science and Technology Commission Bill, 2013 and the East African Community Assets and Premises Protection Bill 2013 and refered them to the Sectoral Council on Legal and Judicial Affairs for legal input.

The Council also directed the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda to deposit instruments of ratification of the Protocol on the Establishment of the Kiswahili Commission and deposit their respective instruments of ratification with the Secretary General by 31st December 2013.

 Further, it directed the United Republic of Tanzania to ratify the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Health Research Commission and deposit the instruments of ratification with the Secretary General by 31st December 2013.

Republic of South Sudan

The Council approved the negotiations with the Republic of South Sudan to join the East African Community; established a High Level Negotiations Team; directed Partner States to nominate three (3) Members to the High Level Negotiation Team by 30th September 2013; and directed the Secretariat to thereafter convene a meeting of High Level Negotiation Team to start the negotiations with the Republic of South Sudan by 15th October 2013.

Federal Republic of Somalia

The Council approved the verification programme for the application of the Federal Republic of Somalia to join the East African Community and established a Verification Committee composed of three (3) Experts from each Partner State to undertake the verification exercise and three (3) Experts from the Secretariat to facilitate the exercise scheduled for December 2013 - August 2014.

The Council also directed Partner States to nominate experts by 31st October, 2013 to participate in the verification of the application of the Federal Republic of Somalia and directed the Verification 

Committee to submit the report of the verification exercise to the 29th Meeting of the Council scheduled for August 2014 for consideration; and directed the Secretary General to communicate to the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia to extend appropriate security and protocol facilitation to the Verification Team while in the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Key Priority Interventions to be implemented over the FY 2014/15

The Council adopted the following key priority interventions to be implemented over the FY  

(a)        Operationalization of the Single Customs T
(b)        Implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol
(c)        Implementation of the Roadmap towards the establishment of the  EAC Monetary Union;
(d)        Development of cross-border infrastructure with particular focus on implementing the decisions of the Summit Retreat on Infrastructure (held in November 2012);
(e)        Implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Area (COMESA- EAC--SADC);
(f)        Implementation of the EAC Industrialization Policy and Strategy;
(g)        Implementation of the EAC Food Security Action Plan and Climate Change Master Plan;
(h)        Sensitization of East Africans; 
 (i)        Implementation of the EAC Strategy on Regional Peace and Security; and
(j)        Implementation of the activities under Political Federation for the East African Community;
(k)        Revitalization of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization.

EAC Panel of Eminent Persons

The Council adopted the Modalities for the Establishment and Functioning of the EAC Panel of Eminent Persons and Establishment of an EAC Peace Facility and directed Partner States to ratify the Protocol on Peace and Security.

Executive Staff of LVFO

The Council took note of the new appointments of Executive Staff of LVFO namely the Mr. Geoffrey Monor, Executive Secretary and the Deputy Secretary General Dr. Olive Mkumbo, and commend the outgoing staff Mr. Dick Nyeko former Executive Secretary and Mr. Mathias Wafula, former Deputy Executive Secretary for the services rendered.

Alternative Financing Mechanisms

In regards to Alternative Financing Mechanisms, the Council directed the Partner States to consult further on the proposal that the budget of the East African Community be financed from 1% of the value of imports from outside the East African Community and the Secretariat to develop a comprehensive paper on all other alternative financing mechanisms for the Community and submit to the Council for consideration.

Expulsion of Illegal immigrants from Kagera Region

The Council directed the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Rwanda to urgently meet to resolve this issue; and directed the Sectoral Council on Peace and Inter-State Security to consider developing regional mechanisms to address future challenges of the above nature.

Trilateral Developments

The Council took note of the ongoing trilateral initiatives by Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda on different matters of integration including infrastructure, establishment of a Single Customs Territory and the Political Federation; and requested the Chairperson of the Council to provide more information on these developments to the Council at its 28th Meeting.

Audit Commission and Audit and Risk Committee Reports

            The Council received the Audit Commission Report on the East African Community Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2012; and decided to table the Audited Financial Statements of EAC Organs and Institutions to the East African Legislative Assembly for debate and such other consultations and action as the Assembly may deem necessary. The Council also adopted the Report of the Audit and Risk Committee for the Financial Year 2012/2013.


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