Posted by MK On 09:31 No comments

East African Legislative Assembly(EALA) has debated and approved the EAC Budget totaling $131,806,032 as the House adjourned yesterday afternoon at Kampala,Uganda

With it, EALA also passed the Appropriation Bill 2013 and the Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2013 respectively. 

The object of the Appropriation Bill, 2013 is to make provision for the appropriation out of the budget for the specified amount of money for the services and purposes of the Community for the financial year ending 30th of June 2014. 

Chair of the Council, Shem Bageine today moved a motion for amendment to the budget allocated to EALA increasing the specified amount by USD 776,050 to enable the Assembly undertake additional Sittings. 

The Budget is allocated to the Organs and Institutions of the EAC as follows; East African Community Secretariat ($69,787,824), East African Legislative Assembly ($13,806,032) and the East African Court of Justice ($4,279,489). 

The Inter-University Council for East Africa shall receive $ 9,692,785 while $ 3,203,042 is earmarked for the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation. 

The 2013/2014 Budget down from $140million in the previous Financial Year, prioritizes on consolidating the Common Market; completion of negotiations and movement towards the East African Monetary Union Protocol; investment promotion and private sector development; co-operation in cross-border infrastructure; enhancing the extractive and processing industries; implementation of the critical activities of EAC Food Security and the mainstreaming of policies, programmes and projects related to gender. 

The Budget Speech was presented by the Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers and Minister of State for East African Affairs, Uganda, Hon. Shem Bageine last week. 

The House today resolved into the Committees of Ways and Means and Supply to consider and approve the Financial Statement for 2013/14 and the revised estimates of expenditure respectively. 
Presenting the Budget estimates, the Council Chairperson, Hon Bageine had noted that among the identified priority areas, were interventions in the Customs Union leading to establishment of a single customs territory.

 Hon. Bageine observed that the single customs territory “will crystallize the gains of integration characterized by minimal internal border controls and a more efficient institutional mechanism in clearing goods”

The FY 2013/2014 Budget is to be financed by Partner State contributions through the Ministries of EAC ($37,297,442); Partner States through other agencies ($7,249,252); Development Partners support ($85,676,850); and other income ($205,850).
The Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2013 makes provision for the amount required in the year ending 30 June 2013 for the expenditure incurred on Kenya Election Observation Mission.  The amount approved for the purpose is USD 478,930.94. 

 Minister Bageine informed the House that EAC had last year submitted proposals to development partners for the sole purposes of observing the elections of the Republic of Kenya.  

DANIDA approved over 4 Million Danish Kronor equaling USD 635,000 and the funds were integrated into the EAC Partnership Fund.   The amount boosted the EAC kitty following approval of a Supplementary budget of USD 235,000 from the EAC General Reserves in September 2012. 

 The Report of the Committee on General Purpose on the EAC Budget estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2013/14 was presented by the Chair of the Accounts Committee, Hon Jacqueline Muhongayire.



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