Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 01:29 1 comment

Wakuu wa nchi za Afrika ya Mashariki katika moja ya kikao kilichofanyika Kampala nchini Uganda.Kutoka kushoto ni Pierre Nkulunziza(Burundi),Jakaya Kikwete(Tanzania),Yoweri Museveni(Uganda) na Uhuru Kenyatta wa Kenya.Picha kwa hisan ya Gazeti la  New Vision
 East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, 28  April  2014: The 12th Extra-Ordinary EAC Summit of Heads of State is set to take place this Wednesday 30 April  2014 at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania.

The EAC Heads of State Summit will be considering among others, the  report of  the EAC Council of Ministers on Alternative Financing Mechanisms for the East African Community; the East African Community Institutional Review; Negotiations on the admission of the Republic of South Sudan into the East African Community; the Revised Model Structure, Road Map and Action Plan For the East African Political Federation.

In addition, the Summit will consider  a comprehensive list on non-implementation of decisions and directives and renewal of contract of Dr. Enos Bukuku, the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure.

The Summit is also expected to appoint two new Judges for the Appellate Division of the East African Court of Justice; and one new Judge for the First Instance Division of the East African Court of Justice.

The 12th Extra-ordinary Summit meeting is being  preceded by the 29th Extra-Ordinary meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers currently underway at the East African Community Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.


Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 00:47 No comments

Hon Phyllis Kandie; Minister for EAC Affairs, Commerce and Tourism officially launches the EAC Information and Resource Centre as the EAC Secretary General; Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera (left) and the Principal Librarian; Sarah Batuwa look on.
Sarah Batuwa takes the delegation round the newly launched IRC led by the Chaiperson of the Council and the EAC Secretary General
A group photo of the delegation of the Council of Ministers together with the EAC Secretary General and his Deputy Secretaries General as well as EAC Staff after the launch.
  East African Community Secretariat; 28 April, 2014: The Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers and Cabinet Secretary for East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism in Kenya; Hon. Phyllis Kandie today officially launched the EAC Information Resource Centre.

Hon. Phyllis Kandie congratulated the EAC Secretariat for achieving this great milestone and emphasized the critical role the Resource Centre in sensitizing the EAC citizenry, noting that; “utilization of information and research data should be used not only to fuel growth and development within the region, but also to spark interest in the EAC integration agenda especially among the youth.

She urged the Centre to organize and package information on EAC integration in a way that is both understandable and user-friendly enough to the people of East Africa to have the intended impact.

The Chairperson of the Council applauded the development partners, specifically the European Union for their technical and financial support to the Resource Centre and assured that the Council of Ministers’ support to further develop the Centre.

In his welcoming remarks, the Secretary General of the East African Community Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera affirmed that digitization of all EAC information resources would improve accessibility of EAC information, preserve it in a digital format and also improve information sharing with EAC Organs and Institutions, Partner States, consultants, researchers, development partners and the general public.

The Secretary General reiterated that Article 71 of the Treaty for the Establishment of EAC mandates the EAC Secretariat to promote and disseminate information on the Community to the stakeholders, general public and the international community. “This Resource Centre therefore is part of that initiative”, said Amb. Sezibera.

While guiding the guests on the Resource Centre tour, the EAC Principal Librarian and in charge of the Resource Centre; Mrs. Sarah Kagoda Batuwa said that the need for a robust library at the EAC Secretariat was identified way back in 1997 when a Communication needs study was conducted.

”Consequently, a library was established and housed on 5th Floor Kilimanjaro wing, AICC building in 1999”, said Batuwa, adding in November 2012, the EAC library was moved to the new EAC headquarters and under the funding from the European Union Regional Integration support Program (RISP) last December, the Library was equipped, furnished and transformed into a one-stop Resource Centre.

The Principal Librarian said the transformation of the Resource Centre was being done in phases. Databases (Automated Library Catalogue) will be developed to capture details of the information resources within the Secretariat, EALA and EACJ as well as a Reports Database which is an online, full-text database of Summit, Council, Sectoral and Taskforce reports. The second phase entails digitization of all EAC Information Resources as generated in all integration processes and availing them online.

Various resources available at the Resource Centre include EAC documentation and publications, Partner States official publications, former EAC publications, general textbooks, publications on regional and international organizations, periodicals including professional journals, newspapers/articles, audio-visual collection and internet resources and databases.

Present at the occasion were also EAC Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and senior officials from the EAC Secretariat.



Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 07:20 No comments

Wachezaji w timu ya Benson kampani  wakivuta kamba
Mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai Novatus Makunga akiwa anasalimiana na wachezaji wa timu   Mango Garden ya jijini Dar es salaam wakati walivyokuja kushiriki bonanza la kitambi noma lililofanyika katika kiwanja cha kumbukumbu ya sheikh Amri Abeid ya jijini Arusha
 Kulikuwepo pia na mashindano ya kukimbia na magunia  ambapo katika mashindano haya mchezaji kutoka timu ya Mango Garden alishinda

Timu ya mavetenari ya Kitambi noma imefanikiwa kuwa mabingwa wa jumla wa bonanza la pasaka lililofanyika Jumapili iliyopita April 20,2014 katika uwanja wa kumbukumbu ya Sheikh Amri Kaluta Abeid.
Timu ya Mango Garden ya Kinondoni ilifanikiwa kushika nafasi ya pili katika tamasha hilo la kusherehekea sikukuu ya pasaka kwa michezo mbalimbali .

Bonanza hilo lililoandaliwa na Klabu ya Kitambi noma yenye maskani yake jijini Arusha na kufadhiliwa na kampuni ya Bia Tanzania (TBL).
Bonanza hilo liliwakusanya mamia ya wapenda michezo na kushudia michezo mbalimbali ikiwemo ya kukimbiza kuku,kukimbia na magunia,soka,Kunywa bia,kuvuta kamba na burudani ya muziki kwa siku nzima ya pasaka.

Akifungua bonanza hilo,Mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai Novatus Makunga aliwataka washiriki wa bonanza hilo kufahamu kuwa michezo ni afya na burudani na hivyo mashabiki wanatarajia kuona burudani kutoka kwa wachezaji na siyo kuonyeshana ubabe na umwamba uwanjani.
Kadhalika alisema kuwa amefarijika kuwaona baadhi ya wachezaji waliokuwa katika ligi za juu za soka nchini wakirukia katika soka la veterani akiwemo mlinda mlango aliyedakia Yanga ya Dar-es-Salaam Aldinad Hashimu pamoja na kwamba  kwa sasa vitambi vimewanyemelea hivyo michezo ni fursa nzuri ya kuvipunguza.

Makunga akawaka washiriki na watanzania kushiriki katika michezo baada ya shughuli zao katika suala zima la kujenga Afya zao na kuleta burudani hakika taswira hiyo itajenga taifa la watu wenye Afya na kuondoa magonjwa balimbali yanayoinyemelea jamii yetu.

Timu zilizoshiriki katika bonanza hilo ni pamoja na Arusha Coaches,kampuni ya Benson, Mango Garden ambao walikuwa wageni waalikwa kutoka jijini Dar es salaam na wenyeji Timu ya Kitambi Noma  zote za jijini Arusha ambapo katika soka timu zote zilicheza kwa mzunguko na kujikusanyia pointi na bingwa kupatikana.

Katika mechi ya kwanza kati ya Arusha coaches walifungwa bao moja bila majibu na timu ya mango garden ikifuatiwa na mechi ya wenyeji kitambi noma na timu ya bensons na kujikuta benson wakipigiliwa kwa bao mbili bila majibu mechi iliyofuata ni kati ya timu ya makocha wa mkoa wa Arusha na Benson mchezo ulioisha kwa Arusha Coaches kuwapigilia bila huruma benson kwa bao 3 bila majibu.
Kwenye mchezo wa kuvuta kamba timu ya kitambi noma iliibuka mshindi katika fainali yake na timu ya benson huku benson na kitambi noma wakiibuka washindi kwa kugawana kuku moja moja katika mashindano ya kukimbiza kuku huku bonanza hilo likifana na kuwapa burudani murua wakazi wa jiji hili na viunga wake.


Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 23:16 No comments

                                                         EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY

East African Community Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania: The EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation Mr. Charles Njoroge has called for the region to invest in youth education, empowerment and effective civil participation.

Mr. Charles  Njoroge made his remarks at the closing session of the four-day conference of the Tanzania Model United Nations (TMUN), an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly hosted by East African Community Headquarters in Arusha ,Tanzania.

He said in this era of regional integration and rapid globalization; the need to take proactive measures that harness the potential and competitiveness of our young people to ensure they fit in the global economy is even more critical than we care to imagine.

The EAC Deputy Secretary informed  the youth that  in the Community, Article 120 (c) of the EAC Treaty provides for adoption of common approach when dealing with the youth and calls for their involvement in the integration process through education, training and mainstreaming of youth issues into the EAC policies, projects and programs.

Mr. Charles Njoroge noted that the EAC–Youth Ambassador’s Platform was among many other programs where the youth in East Africa had an opportunity to participate in the regional consultation processes and indeed developed an EAC position paper on “Constitutionalism and Rule of Law” that was submitted to the African Union.  

I would like to encourage the youth to take this opportunity to engage in the integration process through our programs and nurture the East African identity among yourselves’’

The EAC official reiterated that, EAC integration process was people centered and the main beneficiaries of the Community were the East African citizens. “Let us all ensure that aspects of sustainable development remain integral to our collective efforts to attain it”, affirmed Mr. Njoroge.

The TMUN is the forum that gives a good exam­ple of how the voices of youth can be garnered for incorporation into national dialogues, consultations and it opens doors for youth to brainstorm fresh ideas which will lead to the adoption of clear and focused goals with the World Youth want for the post 2015.

The  7 to 10 April 2014 Tanzania Model United Nations conference under the theme “Young People on Post 2015 Agenda: Time for Collective Action” brought together more than  200 youth participants from East African region and other countries to discuss on major issues evolving around the globe.


Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 23:07 No comments

Mamba villagers in Moshi District with Acting Moshi District Commissioner and Serengeti Brewries staffs

Acting Moshi District Commissioner, Novatus Makunga
Acting Moshi District Commissioner, Novatus Makunga at tree planting campaign in Mamba village

The Guardian 3rd April 2014

At 1.1 percent, Tanzania's average annual deforestation rate is more than twice the global average of 0.5 percent.

To mitigate the destruction in their region, Mamba villagers in Moshi have planted over 4,000 indigenous trees.

Speaking on Tuesday, the Acting Moshi District Commissioner Novatus Makunga called on other regions in the country to emulate the Mamba villagers as experts warn of increased rapid climate change effects should the trend continue.

The tree planting campaign is sponsored by the Serengeti Breweries Limited which seeks to increase awareness on environmental conservation as well as educating the public on economic benefits of tree planting.

Makunga said environmental conservation projects are a key of national development and is the responsibility of all communities in the country to conserve their environs.

“Tree planting is in line with the Moshi Municipality’s environmental plan which aims to reduce the devastating effects of deforestation,” he said expressing gratitude to the brewers for their support and also reminded the Mamba residents to protect the planted trees.

Serengeti Breweries Corporate Social Responsibility manager, Hawa Ladha said that the corporation understands the negative effects of deforestation to communities and the nation at large and it is taking a committed step to provide sustainable solutions to the problem.

“We thank the local government and community in Mamba as a whole for their overwhelming support in making this initiative successful” she said calling on other communities to come together and plant more trees warning that experts have already cautioned over the possibility of increased rapid climate change effects should deforestation continue at the rate it is now.



Posted by Arusha by day and by night On 07:37 No comments

Mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai,Novatus Makunga akizungumza katika mkutano wa kutatua mgogoro wa kata ya KIA uliofanyika eneo la P.6
Mbunge wa Hai,Mhe.Freeman Mbowe akitoa nasaha katika mkutano wa kutafuta ufumbuzi wa mgogoro wa ardhi kati ya wananchi na uwanja wa ndege wa KIA
Mmoja kati ya wananchi akitoa maelezo katika mkutano wa kamati ya ulinzi na usalama ya mkoa
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Mhe Leonidas Gama akizungumza na wananchi wa jamii ya wafugaji wa Kimasai kuhusiana na mgogoro wao wa mipaka na uwanja wa ndege wa KIA

Na Richard Mwangulube,Bomang'ombe

Mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai Novatus Makunga amewaeleza viongozi wa jamii ya Wamaasai wanaofahamika kama Malaigwanani kutoka vijiji vya kata ya KIA hawakuwa na sababu ya jamii hiyo kuandamana na kufunga barabara inayoelekea katika uwanja wa ndege wa kimataifa wa kilimanjaro(KIA) wakati serikali imeshafungua meza ya majadiliano ya kupata suluhu ya mgogoro wao na uwanja huo wa ndege.

Makunga ametoa kauli hiyo wakati alipokutana na viongozi hao wa kimila wa jamii wa wafugaji wa Kimaasai kutoka katika vijiji vya Sanya Stesheni,Tindigani na Mtakuja kuzungumia mgogoro wa mipaka kati ya vijiji hivyo na uwanja wa Kia

Mkuu huyo wa wilaya ameeleza kuwa baadhi ya watu katika jamii hiyo wamekuwa wakipotosha nia njema ya mkuu wa mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Mheshimiwa Leonidas Gama na kamati yake ya ulinzi na usalama ya mkoa ya kumaliza kabisa mgogoro huo uliodumu kwa zaidia ya miaka ishirini.

"Tulikutana kule Moshi mwishoni ni mwezi Februari mwaka huu kwa pamoja na wataalamu kutoka wizara ya ardhi,ofisi ya waziri mkuu,tawala za mikoa na serikali za mitaa,mkoa wa Kilimanjaro na Arusha pamoja na halmashauri ya wilaya ya Hai na madiwani wa maeneo yenye mgogoro  na kupitia ramani na baadaye kupendekeza njia bora ni ya kuweka mapipa kwa muda ili kubaini tatizo kwa pande zote mbili'"alieleza Makunga 

Alifafanua kuwa baadhi ya watu wasiokuwa na nia njema wamekuwa wakipotosha ushauri na kueleza kuwa serikali imetoa wiki mbili ya kuwataka wananchi hao waondoke kwa hiari yao.

Makunga amesema kuwa mpaka sasa hakuna amri yoyote ya serikali kwa kuwa mchakato wa kutafuta suluhu ya mgogoro huo bado haujakamilika.

Aliwaeleza kuwa pamoja na kutokubaliana na pendekezo hilo la kamati ya ulinzi na usalama ya mkoa wao kama jamii inayohusika na mgogoro huo ilitakiwa nao kutoa mapendekezo yao ya namna bora ya kutatua mgogoro huo badala ya kuanzisha harakati ambazo haziwezi kusaidia kufikia muafaka.

Aidha Makunga aliwaasa viongozi hao wa kimila kuacha mpango wa kuwachangisha wananchi fedha kwa ajili ya kwenda mjini Dodoma kupeleka malalamiko yao kwa Waziri mkuu mheshimiwa Mizengo Pinda,

Makunga amewaeleza kuwa suala hilo lipo katika uwezo wa serikali ya mkoa ambayo imeshaweka mkakati wa kulitatua na kazi hiyo imeaanza kwa kuwa na timu ya kikosi kazi kinachowajumuisha wataalamu wa serikali waliobobea katika mauala ya ramani na ardhi.

Alisema kuwa wilaya iliamua kulishughulikia tatizo hilo Mwezi Oktaba 2012 baada ya yeye kuunda timu ya wataalamu ambayo ilitengeneza taarifa ya kina hata hivyo ilishindwa kuanza mchakato kwa kuwa mgogoro huo pia unavihusisha vijiji vingine viwili vya wilaya ya Arumeru mkoani Arusha.
Makunga alisema ndipo  baadaye wizra ya uchukuzi mnamo mwezi Machi 2013 iliunda kikosi kazi kilichojumuisha maofisa kutoka wilaya za Hai na Arumeru,halmashauri za Hai na Meru,mikoa ya Arusha na Kilimanjaro pamoja na wataalamu kutoka mamlaka ya viwanja vya ndege,wizara ya ardhi,nyumba na maendeleo ya makazi pamoja na ofisi ya waziri mkuu,tawala za mikoa na serikali za mitaa.

"Zoezi hilo ni shirikishi ambapo kila hatua ambayo tutaifanya lazima tuwashirikishe wananchi na lengo ni kuhakikisha mwananchi haonewe lakini pia uwanja wa ndege bado unahtajika na ni muhimu kwa uchumi na maendeleo ya taifa letu,"alifafanua.

Akitoa ufafanuazi wa historia ya mgogoro huo,Makunga ameeleza kuwa eneo la KIA lilitengwa na serikali mwaka 1970 kwa ukubwa wa hekta 11,085 sawa na kilometa za mraba 110 na michoro pamoja na uwekaji wa mawe ya mipaka kufanyika mwaka 1989 huku hati miliki kwa Mamlaka ya viwanja vya ndege ikitolewa mwaka 2005.

Alisema kuwa kamati ya ulinzi na usalama iliamua kushughulikia mgogoro huo ambapo ilikutana na wananchi wa vijiji hivyo chini ya mkuu wa mkoa mnamo Februari 13,2014 katika eneo la P.6

Ramani hiyo ya uwanja wa ndege kwa kiasi kikubwa imechukuwa sehemu kubwa maeneo ya vijiji hivyo vyote vinne.

Kwa upande wa vijiji,viliandikishwa wakati huo wa operesheni vijiji vya ujamaa kati ya mwaka 1975 na mwaka 1999 kutegemeana na jinsi vilivyoanza kwani vingine vilizaliwa kutoka katika vitongoji ndani ya vijiji vya awali.

Ramani ya vijiji vyote hivyo ilitolewa mwaka 2006 ambapo nayo ilikuwa na makosa makubwa kwa kuwa ilipita juu ya ramani ya awali ya uwanja wa ndege bila kuonyesha uwanja huo wa ndege

Makunga alieleza kuwa kimsingi tatizo la mgogoro huo wameshalitambu na kwamba kinachotakiwa na kwa wataalamu na pande zenye mgogoro kuanza kupitia na kutoa mapendekezo ya pamoja kwa mamlaka zinazhusika na uwekaji wa mipaka na ramani ambapo jukumu hilo lipo kwa Waziri wa ardhi,nyumba na maendeleo ya makazi.

Akizungumza kwa niaba ya viongozi wao wa kimila,diwani wa kata ya KIA,mheshimiwa Sinyoki ameahidi ushauri huo kuufikisha kwa wananchi na viongozi wenzao ambao hawakuweza kuhudhuria ili kujadili kwa pamoja na kutengeneza mapendekezo.
Uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro(KIA) unamilikiwa kwa asilimia mia moja na serikali huku ukiendeshwa na kampuni ya serikali ya KADCO ambayo miaka ya nyuma iliuza hisa kwa makampuni matatu ya kigeni kabla ya serikali mwaka 2010 kuamua kuzinunua hisa zote