Posted by MK On 20:43 No comments

Hon Phyllis Kandie takes the Oath as the Deputy Clerk to the Assembly, Alex Obatre Lumumba looks on

Kenya’s new Cabinet Secretary for East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism, Hon Phyllis C. Kandie was yesterday sworn-in as an Ex-Officio Member of  (East African Legislative Assembly) EALA as the 6th Meeting of the 1st Session of the 3rd Assembly commenced in Kampala, Uganda.  

The Oath of Allegiance to the House took place was administered in the Assembly before the EALA Speaker, Rt. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa.

The Member took the oath in accordance with Rule 6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly. The Rules of Procedure say in part that: “No Member can sit or participate in the proceedings of the House until the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to the Treaty is taken”.

Rule 6(3) specifically states that “when a Member first attends to take his or her seat other than at the first sitting of a new House, he or she shall be brought to the table by two Members and presented by them to the Speaker who shall then administer the Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance”.

The Minister was ushered into the House by Hon Peter Mathuki and Hon Nancy Abisai. EALA has 45 elected Members and Seven Ex-Officio Members.   The Ex-Officio Members are the Ministers of EAC in the Partner States, the EAC Secretary General and the Counsel to the Community.

EALA is meeting in Uganda over the next two weeks.   The order of legislative business during the period shall include:

·         The Special Sitting and Address by H.E. Yoweri Museveni on June 5, 2013;

·         Receive and consider the Budget Speech that shall be delivered by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, Hon Shem Bageine on May 30, 2013;

·         Debate on the following Bills: the EAC Vehicle Load Control Bill 2012 and the EAC Appropriation Bill;

·         Debate and adoption of various Committee reports on oversight of EAC activities, motions and resolutions.



Posted by MK On 02:08 No comments

Na Richard Mwangulube,Bomang'ombe
 Kampuni ya nguo ya A to Z ya Arusha,imetoa msaada wa fulana mia tano na hamsini kwa wilaya ya Hai mkoani Kilimanjaro ajili ya mbio za mwenge wa Uhuru mwaka huu.

Mkurugenzi  mkuu wa A to Z,Bwana Anuj Shah amekabidhi rasmi fulana hizo kwa mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai,Bwana Novatus Makunga.

Shah ameeleza kuwa kwa kutambua umuhimu wa mbio za mwenge kwa ajili ya mustakabali wa taifa,ndiyo maana ameamua kutoa mchango wake wa fulana.

"Sisi ni wafanyabiashara ambao kuwepo kwa mazingira mazuri ndani ya taifa kunatupa fursa ya kufanya vizuri na mwenge kwa miaka yote umekuwa nyenzo muhimu ya kuwaunganisha Watanzania bila la kujali dini,kabila ama vipato,"alifafanua.

Kwa upande wake mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai,Bwana Makunga ameeleza kuwa mwenge wa Uhuru utakuwa wilayani humo Jumatano ya kesho.

Amesema kuwa katika wilaya ya Hai utapitia miradi nane,ambapo kati ya hiyo mitatu itazinduliwa na miwili itafunguliwa wakati mingine mitatu itawekewa mawe ya msingi.

Makunga amefafanua miradi hiyo ni pamoja na bwalo la chakula la shule ya Msingi Kimashuku,Kituo cha afya cha Masama CTC,ofisi ya kijiji cha Mbweera,Kituo cha Maziwa cha Lemira kati,Madarasa matatu shule ya Msingi Mukwasa,Kituo cha mazoezi ya viungo cha Bomang'ombe,Mradi wa vijana wa uhifadhi mazngira Magadini na kituo cha mafunzo cha ufundi chuma kwa vijana Hai mjini.

Amesema kuwa miradi hiyo ina thamani ya shilingi 1,254,365,000/= ambapo mchango wa serikali kuu ni shilingi 479,600,000/=,halmashauri ya wilaya 20,668,000/= na nguvu za wananchi ni shilingi 33,097,000/= na wahisani shilingi 721,000,000.

Amesema kuwa mbio za mwenge za mwaka huu zimebeba ujumbe unaosema "Watanzania ni wamoja" wenye kauli mbiu "Tusigawanywe kwa misingi ya tofauti zetu za dini,itikadi,rangi na rasilimali"

Makunga ameeleza kuwa mwenge huo utapokelewa katika eneo la Maili sita ukitokea wilayani Moshi.

Amesema kuwa baada ya kuwa wilayani Hai kwa siku nzima siku inayofuata wataukabidhi mwenge katika wilaya ya Siha katika eneo la Lawate.