Posted by MK On 23:03 No comments

.....The sitting in Dar es Salaam is the 2nd sitting EACJ is holding in the Partner States, the first one having been held in Nairobi-Kenya during the Anyang Nyongo case, in 2008.

The East African Court of Justice First Instance Division will on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 to Thursday, April 18, 2013 hold its first sitting out of Arusha.

The Division will hear the first case of the 2nd Quarterly session in Dar es Salaam- Tanzania. The sitting in Dar es Salaam is the 2nd sitting EACJ is holding in the Partner States, the first one having been held in Nairobi-Kenya during the Anyang Nyongo case, in 2008.

The case which will be heard in Dar es Salaam was filed by Mr. Timothy Alvin Kahoho from the United Republic of Tanzania, against The EAC Secretary General, seeking for orders to restrain the East African Community Secretariat from carrying out activities geared towards the realization of the East African Political Federation.

Alvin Kahoho is challenging a number of directives of the 13th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State held in Burundi in November 2011, for being an infringement of Article 11 (5) of the EAC Treaty, which provides that “The Summit may delegate the exercise of any of its functions, subject to any conditions which it may think fit to impose to a member of the Summit, to the Council or to the Secretary General, there is no provision allowing it to give directives to the Secretariat.”

Among the directives in question, is one to propose an action plan on and a draft model of the structure of the East African Political Federation, one on the conclusion of the protocol on immunities and privileges for the East African Community, its Organs and Institutions, one on producing a roadmap for establishment and strengthening of institutions identified by a team of experts as critical for the functioning of the Customs Union, Common Market and Monetary Union and one on formulation of an action plan for the purpose of operationalizing the other recommendations in a report of a team of experts.

On 19th July 2012 the First Instance Division dismissed an application seeking interim orders to restrain the EAC Secretariat from executing the above directives. The Court found that the application did not show that the Applicant would suffer irreparable injury if the injunction was not granted and further that granting the injunction sought would inconvenience the Secretariat, which had gone a long way in the process of implementing the contested directives, more than refusal to grant the same would the Applicant.

The 2nd quarterly sessions of the Court will run from 9th April to 17th May 2013. The Appellate Division is expected to hear one (1) Reference and deliver one (1) Judgment while the First Instance Division will hear five (5) References, two (2) Applications, and deliver two (2) Judgments. Four (4) taxation matters will be handled by the Registrar.

The Appellate Division will as well start its sessions on 15th April in Arusha.

About the East African Court of Justice

The East African Court of Justice (EACJ or the Court), is one of the organs of the East African Community established under Article 9 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community. Established in November 2001, the Court’s major responsibility is to ensure the adherence to law in the interpretation and application of and compliance with the EAC Treaty.

Any person who is resident in an EAC Partner State may refer for determination by the East African Court of Justice, the legality of any Act, directive, decision or action of a Partner State or an Institution of the Community on the grounds that such Act, regulation, directive or action is unlawful or is an infringement of the Treaty and proceedings are instituted within two months of the act complained of or of the day in which it came to his/her knowledge. The Court also has arbitration jurisdiction.

Decisions of the Court on the interpretation and application of the Treaty take precedence over decisions of national courts on a similar matter.


Posted by MK On 00:02 No comments


Scholarship Opportunities for EAC Undergraduate Students 2013
4 June to 13 July 2013, Full time and Residence in Arusha

East African Community (EAC) in cooperation with Arcadia University in the USA is pleased to announce scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students from EAC Countries interested in Human Rights and Development in Africa. This program will give the students a chance to learn more about the region and the opportunity to share experiences with their counterparts from Arcadia University. The result of the exchange program is an exceptional exposure to the EAC integration process, best learning practices and a widened knowledge of different cultures.

The Undergraduate Human Rights Program will be held at the EAC Nyerere Centre for Peace Research in Arusha, Tanzania from 5 June to 14 July 2012. A single course on human rights and capacity-building in East Africa will be taught. The course structure will consist of class work, guest speakers and independent research. In addition, the program will include visits to various institutions in Arusha especially the international and regional organizations.

To join the program, Students must (1) have completed at least two successful years at the university with first class or upper second grades; (2) have good academic standing and not on disciplinary probation; and (3) have a good level of English as the program will be delivered in English exclusively. (4) In addition, each applicant is required to submit a brief essay on any human rights issue in his country (not more than 500 words). This program would also be perfect for those who have recently graduated in any of the relevant disciplines with an interest in human rights and development. Scholarship awards will only cover program related expenses and tuition fees. However some of the recipients who are in need could get a supplemental scholarship that will cater for their accommodation and food for the duration of their stay in Arusha.

Interested East Africans should immediately submit their applications, including the brief essay mentioned above, curriculum vitae, all University transcripts, a personalized letter of recommendation and an application letter to the EAC Nyerere Centre for Peace Research. Please send your application to the following email address: adjovir@arcadia.edu with copy to BKaboha@eachq.org. Applications should reach us not later than 30 April 2013 at 4:00 pm, Arusha time.

For more information on the EAC Nyerere Centre for Peace Research and the abovementioned program, please visit our website at http://www.eac.int/ncpr. You could also visit the page on the programs from the Arcadia University website: http://www.arcadia.edu/abroad/study-abroad-in-tanzania/.

East African Community 
Nyerere Centre for Peace Research
8 April 2013


Posted by MK On 03:34 No comments

Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro,Mheshimiwa Leonidas Gama(Katikati) akipata maelezo kutoka kwa mtaalamu wa Chuo cha Ufundi Arusha kuhusiana na Kituo cha kufua umeme cha Kikuletwa kilichopo wilayani Hai mkoani Kilimanjaro,nyuma mwenye miwani ni mkuu wa chuo hicho, Dk.Richard Masika na kulia ni Afisa Mipango katika halmashauri ya wilaya ya Hai,Mama Mbatiani

Na Richard Mwangulube,Bomang’ombe

Chuo cha Ufundi Arusha kimeanza mkakati wa kufufua mitambo ya kuzalishia umeme wa maji wa Kituo cha Kikuletwa iliyopo wilayani Hai mkoani Kilimanjaro ambapo hadi itakapokamilika itaweza kutosheleza mahitaji ya mikoa ya Kilimanjaro na Arusha na umeme mwingine kubaki.

Ufafanuzi huo umetolewa na  mkuu wa Chuo hicho Dk Richard Masika kwa mkuu wa mkoa wa Kilimanjaro,Leonidas Gama aliyetembelea mitambo hiyo ambayo imekabidhiwa kwa chuo hicho na Shirika la Umeme Nchini(TANESCO)

Alisema kuwa chuo hicho ambacho kitakuwa cha kwanza barani Afrika kumiliki kituo cha kufua umeme,kitatumia kituo hicho kwa malengo matatu ambayo ameyataja kuwa ni pamoja na kutumika kwa mafunzo,kutengeneza vipuri vya mitambo ya umeme pamoja na kuzalisha umeme.

Dk Masika ameeleza kuwa baada ya kukabidhiwa kituo hicho mapema wiki iliyopita na baadaye kuanza kazi za awali wamebaini kwamba kwa kufunga mitambo mipya ya kufua umeme wataweza kutoa megawati 17 ambazo zitaingizwa katika gridi ya taifa.

“Kiasi hicho kitaweza kutosheleza mahitaji ya umeme kwa mikoa ya Kilimanjaro na Arusha na kiasi kingine kubaki,”

Akifafanua zaidi alisema kuwa kituo hicho ambacho kilijengwa mwaka 1930 kwa sasa kina mashine tatu ambazo zilikufa na kuacha kuzalisha umeme mwishoni mwa miaka ya Themanini zikiwa na uwezo wa kuzalisha umeme kati ya megawati moja na moja na nusu.

Dk Masika ameeleza kuwa mashine mbili kati ya hizo tatu chuo chake kina uwezo wa kuzifufua na kuanza kufua umeme mdogo utakaoingizwa katika gridi ya taifa wakati chuo chake kikiendelea na mkakati wa mpango mkubwa wa uzalishaji umeme kwa kutumia mitambo ya kisasa ambayo itakuwa na uwezo wa zaidi ya megawati 17.

Kwa upande wa mafunzo,Dk Masika ameeleza kuwa cuo hicho kimelenga kutoa idadi kubwa ya wataalamu wafanyakazi ambao wenye taalamu ya stashahada ambao kwa kawaida ndiyo wacahapa kazi ili kuzipa pengo la sasa la idadi kubwa kukimbilia katika shahada na baada ya kuhitimu kwa wasimamizi na si wachapa kazi

Alisema kuwa mitambo ya kituo hicho chenye eneo la jumla ya Ekari 400 yanategemea maji ya mito miwili ambayo Kware unaoanzia Mlima Kilimanjaro na Mto Mbuguni unaonzia mlima Meru ambapo maji hayo huduma katika kipindi kizima cha mwaka na kuongezeka wakati wa kiangazi

Kwa upande wake Mkuu wa mkoa wa Kilimanajro,Gama amewataka wataalamu wa cuo hicho pamoja na mipango mizuri na kuonyesha kuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kukiendesha lakini aliwataka kuwa na uzalendo ambao utalisaidia taifa katika kutatua tatizo la upatikanaji wa nishati ya umeme.

Alisema kuwa ni vyema sasa wakatambua kwamba taifa limewapa dhamana kubwa kwa kuwakabidhi raslimali kubwa ambayo inatakiwa kusimamiwa vyema kwa ajili ya manufaa ya watanzania na siyo ya watu binafsi.

Gama aliwataka kuhakikisha wanatunza vyanzo vya maji yanayotumika katika mitambo hiyo vya Chemka kilichopo wilayani Hai na cha Mto Mbuguni ambacho kipo wilayani Arumeru mkoani Arusha.

Alisema kuwa uongozi wa serikali mkoani Kilimanjaro unakiweka kituo hicho katika miradi yake mikubwa ya kimkoa na utakuwa tayari kikusaidia chuo hicho wakati wowote kitakapohitaji msaada wa hali na mali.

Kwa upande wake Mkuu wa wilaya ya Hai,Novatus Makunga ameahidi kukipa ushirikiano chuo hicho na kukitaka kuhakikisha kinaimarisha kitengo chake cha uhusiano ili kujenga mahusiano na vijiji vinavyozunguka kituo hicho.

Alisema kuwa kutokana na mazingira yanayozunguka kituo hicho kutunzwa vizuri katika miaka yote tangu uzalishaji uliposiamama,mara nyingine wakati wa ukame mkali baadhi ya wenyeji ujaribu kuingiza mifugo kwa ajili ya kupata malisho na hivyo kusababisha vurugu.

Makunga alisema kuwa ni vyema chuo hicho kikajipanga kwa kushirikiana na uongozi wa wilaya katika kuhakikisha kinawaelimisha wananchi wanaoishi maeneo ya jirani ili watambue umuhimu wa kituo hicho na madhara ya kutaka kuingiza mifugo kwa nguvu